Unlocking the Potential of AI in Trade Compliance

Watch the video below to see experts from Quickcode and KYG Trade discuss using AI to give experts all the tools they need to make Trade Compliance faster, more accurate, and more repeatable. As trade compliance professionals, we are constantly looking for ways to enhance efficiency and accuracy in our work. In this webinar, we delve […]

Why “Human-In-The-Loop”?

Why "Human-In-The-Loop"? | Human Intelligence and Machine Learning

Watch the video below to discover the future of human-in-the-loop programming and how Quickcode is revolutionizing HS compliance with the perfect blend of human intelligence and machine learning.    Video Transcript 0:00 Intro 0:36 Fully Human Approach 1:18 Fully Automatic Approach Well, thanks for having me today. My name is Gary King. I’m the […]

Human-in-the-Loop AI Assistance when Importing and Exporting

Curious about the dynamic relationship between AI and human interaction for importing and exporting? Watch the video below as Todd Owen discusses the pivotal role of AI in optimizing port operations and the delicate balance between automation and human oversight. Discover how Quickcode leverages the dynamic blend of AI and human judgment to revolutionize the […]

3 Tips for Improving Importing Efficiency

3 Tips for Improving Importing Efficiency - How to Optimize Your Importing Process

In our latest video, discover three essential tips for boosting your importing efficiency and navigating the challenges posed by the dynamic growth of international trade. 

You’ve Made an Error With Tariff Classification, Now What?

You’ve Made an Error With Tariff Classification, Now What? - For Importers

It’s essential to get your Tariff Classification and duty rates right to avoid costly mistakes and compliance issues. Importing can be tricky, but with the right knowledge, you can navigate the process smoothly and avoid unnecessary scrutiny from Customs.

Does Quickcode Generate Automatic Classifications?

Does Quickcode Generate Automatic Classifications?

While Quickcode does provide suggestions based on descriptions entered, it’s ultimately the expert who confirms and approves the classification. Whether it’s straightforward items like hockey sticks or more nuanced goods, Quickcode supports the expert’s decision-making by presenting all the relevant information.

How Does Quickcode Measure HS Classification Accuracy?

How Does Quickcode Measure HS Classification Accuracy?

Discover how Quickcode equips you with the necessary resources, enabling you to swiftly navigate the classification process and guiding you towards what it believes is the correct answer. However, it’s up to you—the expert—to make the final call.